A NaNoWriMo Planning Reference

Beatsheet based on the Save the Cat! method

Midpoint (50%)

Pages: 25,000

Dependent upon the story, this moment is when everything is “great” or everything is “awful”. The main character either gets everything they think they want (“great”) or doesn’t get what they think they want at all (“awful”). But not everything we think we want is what we actually need in the end.

She receives notes encouraging her to go into space. She also thinks back on her kidnapper and wonders what is happening to him. Where does the money go, and how can he get out of the lifestyle?

This is the first time you’ve thought about someone other than yourself.

She tries to meet w/ her kidnapper guy again, but she isn’t able to reach him. She plays with the trinket and realizes there is a secret compartment with a photo of the boy in front of his old house.

She dismisses further acting roles as well as any space orientation, while trying to find this man.